Creating Promotional Codes and Voucher Codes

Support Article ID: 94537

How to setup promotional vouchers for customers when joining your website or subscribing.


Creating a Voucher Code that can only be used once

1. Login to CMS

2. Click On Marketing

3. Under Vouchers Section in this menu - Click on Add Vouchers

4. Give the voucher a name for your refrence - eg. Bill Bloggs Voucher

5. Set the expiry date

6. Select if it is a Dollar Discount or a Percentage Discount

7. Create a a CODE e.g VC-255663

8. Enter in Value 10 for $10 or 10% or 20 for $20 or 20%

9. ENterer minumum spend amount - Often 0.00

10. Leave other fields blank unless you have a voucher design embedded into the system

11. Click Add Gift Voucher

Inform the Person of their voucher code by way of email, phone, printed voucher with the code



Creating a Promotional Code that can be used many times until expiry

 This means yuo can email out the code to your database and anyone can use it.

1. Login to CMS

2. Click On Marketing

3. Under "Campaigns for Purchases" - Click on Add Vouchers

4. Give the voucher a name for your refrence - eg. Bill Bloggs Voucher

5. Set the expiry date

6. Select if it is a Dollar Discount or a Percentage Discount

7. Create a a CODE e.g VC-255663

8. Enter in Value 10 for $10 or 10% or 20 for $20 or 20%

9. ENterer minumum spend amount - Often 0.00

11. Click Add Promortion

Share the Voucher code by email, facebook, twitter etc with your database