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GTP Email Support - Webmail

Nearly All GTP Client whose email operates on the GTP Server infrastructure have a web mail option for accessing their email via a web browser.

Common Web Browsers include

  • Google Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Internet Explorer
  • Safari
  • Opera


Your Web Mail Address -

Note: you need to replace yourdomain with your domain.

Your web mail address can be reached by inserting the word webmail in front of your domain name.

Or think of it as replacing the three www items at the start of your web site addresss with webmail

Example: If your domain name is  then your webmail address is


TIP: you need to type this into the URL bar of your browser -Not the google search box as google does not index this page.


What You Need to Get Access

You need to know

  • Your email address
  • Your email password.

Note: Customers not knowing their email password is a common occurance. Record your email password down in a secure diary, teledex, filing cabinet.  You will need to update this from time time. Perhaps only every couple of years but knowing what your email password speeds up support from all providers of IT support to you.


What to Do

  1. Go to your webmail address  at
  2. Enter your full email address
  3. Enter your password
  4. Click the Login Button

In Horde click on the word Mail at the top to have the Email sidebar appear and be able to access your emails

In Roundcube click on the mail option to see your email


What Webmail Clients do I have the Options Of

  • Horde
  • Roundcube

GTP Needs to change your settings for you if you want to use RoundCube instead of Horde,  We do this by logging into our server management console and changing settings here


I Like GMAIL - Can I Use GMAIL?

I like GMAIL for some things too.  I put a permanent forward on my emails so I can download it directly and have a copy stored in GMAIL as a backup. A permanent forward is done through the email administration interface - search for this informatoin elsewhere on this site or ask GTP to put a forward in place for you if you do not have experience in email administration.

Alternatively you can actually have GMAIL pop your normal email account for the emails that are in here.  You can google for how to do these things and armed with your email address, passsword and incoming mail server you can complete this without our support.



Last updated: 2017-11-30 16:29:11